Agile Kata
Agile Kata is a powerful practice that combines the core elements of the Improvement Kata and Coaching Kata with the principles of the Agile Manifesto and an agile leadership style. Its goal is to drive organizational agility, impacting individuals, teams, and larger groups within the organization.
Central to the Agile Kata is the process of changing behaviors and fostering new habits. Introducing agility is a multifaceted undertaking that requires learning, addressing unique company-specific situations, and fostering collaboration among individuals.
This landing page serves the purpose of introducing you to YOUR Agile Kata space that you can easily clone and adopt it’s best practices. The best part is, we’ve already handled all the setup for you, so you can dive right into experiencing the benefits of Agile Kata.
Let’s get started!
Clone the Agile Kata space and review it’s contents by clicking here.
Schedule the time with your team (use this template invite) to discuss.
Agile Kata Rocks!